Bike Rodeo

Good Company Cycling, in partnership with the Edgecombe County Public Schools, Edgecombe County Sheriff's Office, and North Carolina State Highway Patrol, welcomes all youth cyclists to their first annual Back to School Bicycle Safety Event!

FREE food and bicycle helmets for youth participants. Also, medals and trophies will be awarded. Let's have fun cycling!

Please see below flyer for date/time/location. All we're asking participants to do is bring your bicycle and a GREAT ATTITUDE.

Bike Rodeo FlyerFree food and bicycle helmets for youth participants. Also, medals and trophies will be awarded. Let's have fun cycling!

To register, click here - BACK-TO-SCHOOL BIKE SAFETY RODEO Registration - Google Forms

This waiver from must be submitted for all participating students- Bicycle Wavier Form.docx (

Forms should be emailed to Sheriff Atkinson, Susan Hoke, Bob Bailey, Matt Tillery, Heather Jones, Kelvin Dickens, or Vicky Hussey

Forms may also be turned in at our Central Office at 2311 N. Main Street in Tarboro.